Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kumar's, Oasis Square, Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya (PJ)

R-03 Central Piazza 
2 Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Oasis Square, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya (PJ), Selangor, Malaysia

Opening Hours:
11:30 am - 3:00 pm
6:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Time Visited:
After noon, a Tuesday afternoon.

Attire worn:

Item(s) Ordered (Photos taken as inconspicuous as possible with my phone):
Sotong Thali Set and a cup of Bru Coffee
DISCLAIMER: This was not a lone dining experience.

Before the last day of working with my company for my colleague, my department gathered for a farewell lunch with her. Kumar's was the decided place of destination for that occasion and quite unfortunately, it was a day that she and I weren't feeling all that well but decided to go anyway.

Kumar's at Oasis Square has always been seen by me many times since I used to frequent Oasis Square for lunch but am always afraid to go in and try due to it looking pricey. But since this was a decided day to try that restaurant, it's a good opportunity for me to see what they have on the menu for me to try. The surrounding ambiance of the place has always scared me to bits as it looks like some upper class posh restaurant and so I expected it to be pricey. And sure enough some of the items in the menu do reflect that but there are also items that are fairly reasonable in price for consumption. Since it was an afternoon lunchtime, the ideal of it would be the Thali Lunch Set which costs only RM19.90 for your choice of meat (with chicken being lower priced) with rice. If you prefer vegetarian, of course it would be cheaper at RM17.90 but I find it not as value for money as with meat due to the inherent nature of less items on the set in addition to having no meat in it.

The Thali Set comes equipped with 2 vegetables, Raita, Rasam, Sambar, Pappadom, a Banana as dessert and a soft drink of choice. But here's something that they also serve with that I find it unusual and that is that they serve Chapati with it! I find it unusual because it comes with rice and with a Chapati serve with it, it just seems the odd one out. The Thali Set also has one that is with Naan and no rice and that's where I find it pointless in having the Chapati there as well since that would mean it contains 2 floury items in it that resembles bread. Oh well. Anyway, I'm not complaining having something extra to eat. I used to love eating Chapati when I was small and I have this weird request to eat it with lots of butter/margarine spread all over it. It's just super delicious with it to me instead of just a plain one to serve with Dhal and curry. Nowadays, I never eat Chapati anymore because nobody understands where I'm coming from and what I'm talking about when I request for a Chapati to be spread with butter/margarine and so I just gave up eating it altogether. LOL.

So anyway, that's what the Thali set comes with. They also have that salted chili stick right on top of the rice. Love eating that. Just can't recall where was that place I used to eat at that I love having that. The Raita, Rasam and Sambar were not bad and so was the vegetables, but I find my sotong (squid) tasting a little weird. I guess sotong isn't what I should've ordered. LOL. I just find the whole Thali Set kinda a weird combination with bananas, Chapati all in the mix. Well, it's certainly unique. I'll give it credit for that. LOL.

I also ordered the Bru Coffee because the previous lunch indulgence in alcohol and pork ribs has left me feeling queasy and foggy head till this meal. They seemed to use maybe powdered milk? Or probably condensed milk? Because I find there's a layer developed on top of the coffee which is milk due to the temperature. Anyway, the coffee weren't that bad after all and quite a decent cuppa though it tasted almost tea-like due to the odd milk base.

We finished off the lunch session and went home after my colleague explored the other 2 levels in this restaurant.

Total Wallet Damage:
Well, all I can say is that my Sotong Thali Set amounted to RM19.90 and my Bru Coffee is RM4.90. There's a 10% service charge and a 6% GST imposed.

Final Verdict:
6/10. Despite it's outlook appearance of a posh upper class restaurant, there are reasonably priced dishes in it as well. It just looks swanky but it's just the same as a normal mamak. Only thing is this comes with waiters that are more refined than mamak standards. LOL.


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