Sunday, December 14, 2014

A-Lone Diner: The Introduction

In some countries in the world, dining alone is not difficult as most of their restaurants do cater for lone eaters where you don't feel the stress of finishing off quickly for hogging the table and the service puts you at ease instead of making you feel uncomfortable that they could've made more money if you brought someone along or pack your meal home. Malaysia is slowly adapting to cater for solo individuals. This blog is nothing but my muse of penning down my experiences as a solo diner. Hence the name, A-Lone Diner.....carrying a double entendre. A Lone Diner or Alone Diner.

In a month, I probably dine by myself 90% of the time. I owe it to my quiet nature, my inept ability to hold a conversation and my difficulty in withstanding most people.

Dining alone does have it's perks for me.
1) I don't have to stress myself out on what to say.
2) I can be antisocial and play with my phone without people nagging at me doing so.
3) I can take my time finishing my meal without the overbearing feel of everybody else waiting for me because I'm a slow eater. (Unless the staffs of the restaurant glares at me due to their shortage of seatings)
4) I can leave whenever I want without waiting for the rest to finish because we're in the same car. (I'm often designated as the driver and for the life of me, I can't understand why.)
5) I can go for after meal desserts or beverage somewhere else without having the others to tow along or tag along.
6) I have time to think and take a breather without feeling the need to rush. A lot of ideas and inspiration that I get comes from sitting at a cafe, sipping on a cup of coffee.
7) I can watch and observe the world go by without a care in the world.
8) I can go wherever I want and not needing a consensus of whether others are okay with it.

But why dine alone at a restaurant and not pack your food and head on home/office to munch or order delivery? Well, I'm a picky eater. I like my meals hot and fresh from the kitchen. I always find packed food a little lacking for my taste. Also, I get ideas and inspiration from going places and through observations. If I'm only at home and office, then all I can think about is work and other unimportant stuff. But that doesn't mean I don't pack food or call delivery. Oh no. Sometimes, I just don't feel like moving at all and that's when it comes into play.

With the intros done, I hope I can keep myself entertained in typing words off into this blog. XD

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, to the T, why I eat alone.
    I even hunt for waterfalls alone, dive alone, travel alone, etc.
