Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A-Lone Diner Movie Special: The Transporter Refueled (2015)

I wasn't aware that there was a new Transporter movie to boot and to my surprise it wasn't one with the trademark face of Jason Statham. Going along excitedly with a friend who got extra tickets, I kind of became the lamppost over the couple since the other friend couldn't make it due to last minute work duty. After a leisurely paced dinner over at Satay Satay (which surprisingly has quite good food), we headed off to the GSC cinema to enjoy the movie.

The Transporter Refueled may be cashing in on the franchise that were popularized promising the ever same fancy car action (particularly, the Transporter's Audi), the fast paced no-nonsense action fights with the utilization of various items that he could get his hands on at the scene of the moment babes (hey! You gotta have those in such a movie. LOL). Although these elements may be a feature also in this film, it however is more of a re-introduction of the ever familiar character of Frank Martin with his strict rules when dealing with his business partner so it's a "forget you've ever known or heard of The Transporter franchise" kind of show.

Probably the most glaring new component that they added to this movie would be The Transporter's dad, a self claimed Evian water seller who's clearly a person who used to be a spy and just seems to always be in the heat of the action. But if you're thinking of a father and son team-up in kicking ass and taking names, you're gonna be let down....harshly. The father just seems to be quite the useless individual who's always getting in the way of Frank Martin forcing him into complying with threatening demands and getting himself abducted 80% of the time. This unbecoming comical duo just doesn't cut it for me as oppose to the inspector who's always pulled in to help Frank Martin in The Transporter franchise.

Unfortunately for me, the father isn't the only one who seemed kind of useless to me. Frank Martin himself seemed to have dumb down several notches from the other movies. Instead of the ever cool Frank Martin that I knew who always takes control of a situation even when he's backed into a corner and will always try to think of ways to outsmart his opponents even when he seems to be obediently complying to their demands, I'm left to content with a Frank Martin who seems to always rush into things and is always being played and manipulated by others. Not to mention he seems quite lost most of the time with the female quartet taking the lead as the brains. One thing I'll give to him and that is the fast pace choreographed action fight scenes. He sure has the moves. Just not sure why they made him struggle when fighting 4 gangster henchmen but easily defeats more than that when escaping outside of the club.

Anyway, the story is about the Russians taking over the territory of French Riviera plying their prostitution trade there and killing off their adversaries. Anna, one of the prostitute who were sold by her family when she was young finally decided enough is enough after a number of years later and executed her grand scheme of picking apart the Russian gang one by one and enlisted Frank Martin to handle the transportation task for her and her cohorts while abducting his father to ensure he finishes the job and continue on playing Frank Martin like a puppet until the end.

I'd have to say that I miss Jason Statham's charm and charisma as the transporter and although Ed Skrein may came close to it, the character to me were mostly assassinated in the storyline with reasons I gave above. But I did adore the actions although they became stale quickly halfway through the movie. Still, gotta give it points for effort. My friend loved the action of it though. All in all, I would rate this as a 1.9 out of 5.


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